Programs & Funders
Low-income Housing
Funded through Alberta Seniors Housing
he Housing program name, “WICOHKAMAWEW”, is a Cree word, which loosely translated, means, “they are helping one another”.
Shining Mountains owns and operates a 14-unit apartment bulding and 2 four-plexes in Red Deer. All of our units are low-income rentals with all utilities included with the rent. The apartment has security cameras and night security staff.
Shining Mountains owns and operates a 14-unit apartment bulding and 2 four-plexes in Red Deer. All of our units are low-income rentals with all utilities included with the rent. The apartment has security cameras and night security staff.
rental_application_final.pdf |
Emergency Housing
Safe Haven provides emergency support to individuals that are too vulnerable to be supported by shelter. There are two studio suites that can provide support for up to three months in collaboration with external community supports. Priority is given to veterans, seniors, and those fleeing domestic violence. Please note: self-referrals are not accepted.
emergency_suite_referral_form_2024.pdf |
Indigenous Housing Support Services
Funded through the City of Red Deer - Reaching Home (GoC), OSSI (GoA)
"Shining Mountains runs three programs to assist individuals dealing with homelessness. These programs aim to assist people in getting off the streets and transitioning back into the community rentals. All programs are built around assisting the participants in rebuilding or developing the skills needed to be successful in maintaining their housing; this includes budgeting, developing life skills, assistance in seeking additional support services, purchasing furniture and household essentials for move in, and when necessary, the first month’s rent, damage deposit, and a rental subsidy.
These housing programs are offered from a trauma informed person-centered model meant to meet the participant where they are starting and to allow them to set the pace as no two individuals will have the same journey or the same definition of what it means to have a home.
The housing programs are all part of the Red Deer Coordinated Access Program (CAP), as such we do not take participants directly and those interested in our services must apply through Coordinated Entry.
Wiichi - Coordinated Entry/Diversion:
Wiichi is a Michif word meaning 'together with'.
The Coordinated Access Process (CAP) is a method of matching individuals experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness to a housing program that meets their needs. Program referrals are made based on the length of time homeless, acuity (SPDAT score), best program fit, and available program spaces.
Staff offer a variety of options for intake to reduce barriers and meet individuals where they are at.
Staff assess to determine appropriate routes of either diversion supports, or intake for housing supports using a prioritization list. The program utilizes their strong connections in the community to make referrals for diversion as well as receiving referrals for housing support.
Kiiweew - Scattered Site Case Management
Kiiweew is a Michif word meaning "S/he goes home or S/he returns home".
This program provides Intensive Case Managements supports to individuals with complex needs facing multiple barriers to gaining and maintaining housing such as addictions, mental health, and/or physical barriers or have been chronically homeless (homeless for more than 1 year). In this program participants will work closely with their case manager to systematically address their barriers and obstacles to getting and maintaining housing over the course of a year.
This program also provides Rapid Rehousing for participants that face fewer barriers to their housing needs and have not been chronically homeless. While these individuals may still be facing addictions, mental health challenges, or physical limitations, combined these obstacles are less severe than in those who are entering into the ICM program. While this program is built around the same model as the ICM program there is a higher expectation for the participant to take independent action and only provides services for 6 months.
An mas Prevention
An mas is a Michif word meaning "lots/many".
The An mas Prevention is a program designed to prevent housing loss, as such it is short term. Participants work with a staff to identify issues and concerns that are/have led to the threat of eviction. One time assistance of a maximum of $1,200.00 is available to assist with overdue rent, utilities etc, but there must be a plan to address budgetary issues such as a part time job, reducing expenses etc.
These housing programs are offered from a trauma informed person-centered model meant to meet the participant where they are starting and to allow them to set the pace as no two individuals will have the same journey or the same definition of what it means to have a home.
The housing programs are all part of the Red Deer Coordinated Access Program (CAP), as such we do not take participants directly and those interested in our services must apply through Coordinated Entry.
Wiichi - Coordinated Entry/Diversion:
Wiichi is a Michif word meaning 'together with'.
The Coordinated Access Process (CAP) is a method of matching individuals experiencing chronic and episodic homelessness to a housing program that meets their needs. Program referrals are made based on the length of time homeless, acuity (SPDAT score), best program fit, and available program spaces.
Staff offer a variety of options for intake to reduce barriers and meet individuals where they are at.
Staff assess to determine appropriate routes of either diversion supports, or intake for housing supports using a prioritization list. The program utilizes their strong connections in the community to make referrals for diversion as well as receiving referrals for housing support.
Kiiweew - Scattered Site Case Management
Kiiweew is a Michif word meaning "S/he goes home or S/he returns home".
This program provides Intensive Case Managements supports to individuals with complex needs facing multiple barriers to gaining and maintaining housing such as addictions, mental health, and/or physical barriers or have been chronically homeless (homeless for more than 1 year). In this program participants will work closely with their case manager to systematically address their barriers and obstacles to getting and maintaining housing over the course of a year.
This program also provides Rapid Rehousing for participants that face fewer barriers to their housing needs and have not been chronically homeless. While these individuals may still be facing addictions, mental health challenges, or physical limitations, combined these obstacles are less severe than in those who are entering into the ICM program. While this program is built around the same model as the ICM program there is a higher expectation for the participant to take independent action and only provides services for 6 months.
An mas Prevention
An mas is a Michif word meaning "lots/many".
The An mas Prevention is a program designed to prevent housing loss, as such it is short term. Participants work with a staff to identify issues and concerns that are/have led to the threat of eviction. One time assistance of a maximum of $1,200.00 is available to assist with overdue rent, utilities etc, but there must be a plan to address budgetary issues such as a part time job, reducing expenses etc.
Peace Keepers
This project addresses and improves Indigenous housing in Red Deer as well as improve knowledge of Human Rights relevant to housing. Peace Keepers is designed to provide cultural competency and safety training for service providers to assist in delivering services in a culturally safe and appropriate manner that is informed by human rights; training for Indigenous people on their rights and responsibilities related to tenancy and human rights along with outreach and education of landlords to support awareness and adoption of non-discriminatory practices in housing.